A mother and two teens at the spa.
Last June, I had the opportunity to visit the spa with my two growing daughters (12 and 14). What a pleasure it was to introduce the joy of relaxation to my children who, since their early childhood, have lived by a strict schedule and have been told more often to hurry up than to relax.
The timing was perfect. The parent-child morning at the spa took place on June 25. The girls had just finished school, and summer vacation had officially begun. Together, we took a well-deserved break after a busy school year. It’s rare for us to take the time to really slow down and savour each moment. We seized this opportunity to take a deep breath and completely relax. This is what I call “spending quality time with the teens”. It was in fact my main goal when I invited them to come to the spa with me.
My other goal was to show them that the spa has numerous tangible benefits beyond the simple pleasure of basking in a hot pool in a natural and enchanting setting. After talking to them about it, I finally had the opportunity to initiate them to thermotherapy and let them experience the thermal cycle. They loved their experience.
Discovering the Aufguss ritual
They loved the Aufguss ritual most of all. They still talk about it and they’re looking forward to experience it again. First of all, they really liked the word Aufguss. My youngest says “Aufgus-gus”. It was the first time they’d ever entered a sauna, and they were even a little worried at the idea of being in such a hot space. I had prepared them beforehand, inviting them to overcome their limits and try to withstand the heat for as long as possible. I had explained that they would sweat like they never had before, and that this sweat would help eliminate toxins from their bodies. When the time came, they met the challenge brilliantly. The atmosphere created by the Aufguss masters during the rituals, designed specifically for families, was welcoming and cheerful, which contributed to the success of the experience. That’s one more step in the knowledge I pass on to my children: taking care of oneself. This is how I’m instilling wellness culture into the next generation.
Youth need to relax too
We are mistaken in thinking that teens are not mature enough to come to the spa. That a place with too little action and too few structured activities would bore them. That they would be unable to respect the silence policy. Let me tell you that I was surprised to see that more than one parent had to be reminded by their child! “Hush, Mom, you can’t talk here.” Adorable. It was touching to see all these young people in bathrobes on the site, completely relaxed, with a serene expression on their face. It was beautiful, inspiring.
My epiphany as a mother was realizing how much my daughters needed that silence, that calm, that peaceful moment that I could offer them that morning, free from electronic devices, far from the demands of the classroom, and sheltered from the stress of daily life. We tend to forget that adolescence brings with it existential and sometimes anxiety-inducing worries. They needed a break as much as I did, because their lives are as hectic as those of adults, just in different ways. This spa outing made me realize the importance of instilling the values of wellness in my daughters’ lives. I wanted to help them discover how they want to BE instead of focusing on what they want to HAVE.
When we got home, they were exhausted. They quickly got into their most comfortable clothing and were asleep as soon as their heads hit their pillows. It’s worth noting that neither of them has ever napped in their lives, even as babies. Indeed, a whole year of fatigue had been brought to the surface with a few thermal cycles at the spa. They really experienced profound and beneficial relaxation. They definitely want to go back. Mission accomplished.
Give the gift of a wellness break
By popular demand, Nordik welcomes you to a day dedicated to family relaxation on December 24. This is a golden opportunity to give a unique gift to your children (ages 8 and up), that of discovering the benefits of thermotherapy and taking a break together, a real one.
Imagine their faces when you announce that this year, you’ll head to the spa while waiting for Santa. A winter day in bathing suits, flip-flops, and bathrobes. A day with no cooking or last-minute shopping, nothing but happiness in nature and alternating between hot, cold, and relaxation. It’s a gift they’ll remember for years to come, and it will leave a lasting impression on their lives. Don’t be surprised if “spa visit” ends up at the top of their Christmas list next year.
Give them a gift that’s good for them!
Anne-Marie Charron, Wellness Blogger and mom